Wednesday, February 24, 2010

6 1/2 Months

Wow! You have grown so much. You can sit up by yourself, and can crawl backwards. At your 6 month check-up, you were already 16.4 lbs. Oh, and your smile lights up the room and your giggles keep getting better.

You are also extremely vocal. We're not sure what you are trying to say, but you are definitely speaking your own language.

You were on a plane recently, and everybody was so impressed with how well behaved you were. I don't think you made one peep. Thanks for being so great!

Foods you've tasted:

Apple, Banana, Rice cereal, Oatmeal, Sweet Potato

Things you've said:

Ahhhh, Goo, Ga, MMMM, Waaa, Ha

Your tricks:

Crawl backwards, get up on your hands and knees, eat your feet, pull your socks off, squeeze mommy and daddy's noses, scream very loud, giggle and smile, fart, make monster poops, and snuggle like an expert

Latest trip:

Miami to visit Grandma and Grandpa Weiss


  1. Hi Abby -- Daddy here... You are such a great baby! You make everyone smile and you make us so proud. We think you are going to start crawling really soon! Rockey, rockey, rockey!!! A million kisses from me to you!

  2. Abby, you also look absolutely adorable in the color red. You have hung up the phone on me a few times already... just for fun.

    Often, your parents call you the boss. heehee...

    Kisses and Hugs,

    Aunt Dani
