Wednesday, April 15, 2009

27 Weeks

A lot of activity has occurred lately. You are already 27 weeks old! You should be able to hear mommy and daddy’s voice much better now, and you are blinking. You are also about 2 lbs now, but when people look at my belly, they may think you’re even bigger!

You’ve been kicking and punching much better now. I can feel that you are getting stronger. Daddy has even felt the strong kicks, and was pretty surprised that you were so strong already!
Our baby shower is on June 28th, and we’ve registered for a ton of items. Because furniture takes so long to deliver, we just ordered your furniture. It’s pretty modern and sleek, but has a feminine touch too. We also picked the paint colors out (yellow and pink), and we hope you’ll love them!

We hope you’re doing well in my belly! We get to see you one last time before delivery at 32 weeks on an ultrasound, and can’t wait.

I’m trying to eat healthy foods for you, and your dad is always making the best snacks to make it easy. He’s a great chef that you’ll get to enjoy very soon…