Thursday, December 23, 2010

16 1/2 Months

You are really getting around everywhere, and want to do a lot of things all by yourself. This month you enjoyed opening Hanukkah gifts!

You enjoyed Hanukkah at home, and with each of your grandparents. You completely understand the concept of gifts now, and enjoyed opening every one of them.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

16 Months

You've grown so much, and you are now aware that there is a baby in mommy's belly. You touch it, and say "baby." Sometimes you even kiss it.

You love playing outside. It's so much fun to watch. It's been a pretty cold winter, but you are handling it very well. As long as you're dressed warm, you still want to stay out an play with snow, leaves, rocks...
You love your daddy so much. You seam to repeat "dada,. dada, dada" a gazillion times in a row. It's very cute and sweet to watch.