Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Almost 5 Months!

The time has flown by! You are almost 5 months old already! We can't believe how lucky we are to have you in our lives.

You have developed a lot over the past few months. It's amazing to watch you grow! You are about 14 1/2 lbs now. You can almost sit up on your own, and you will be eating real food in the next few weeks. We can hardly wait!

Your smiling often, and your giggles make everyone so happy. We love to hear them. They start out slow, and get more and more active as we make funny faces or voices to you.

You are still quite the snuggler, and we love it!

We took you to the Bahamas which you definitely enjoyed. You loved being in the pool, and looked adorable in your shades.
Every Tuesday we go to Mother Goose at the library in Hastings on Hudson, and you love it. There is a lot of music and singing which you like. The best part is when we get you to hop like a bunny!
You had your first Hanukkah! You went to your Great Aunt Ketty in Queens, to your Poppi and Nanna's place, and to your Grandma and Grandpa in the Berkshires. It was great!