Thursday, April 15, 2010

8+ Months

At 6 months you reached many milestones, but they are still coming! You recently started crawling. It's soooo adorable how you wiggle around, and make sure to get to anything you want. You usually can be found going for a toy that you just have to have.

You've become a fantastic eater. Daddy makes you organic sweet potatoes, and that is certainly one of your favorite meals. You are starting to use a sippy cup, too. You love water!

Your teeth have started to sprout, and we think more are on the way because you love chomping on you teethers.

Now that the weather is nice, you have enjoyed going to the park and sitting in the swing. You are quite inquisitive, and always listen in on other peoples conversations! If you look closely, you can see two bottom teeth sprouting in this photo.

You recently attended services at Temple. You went on stage with your daddy when they called up the grandkids, and great grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. You were so well behaved, and everyone said how cute you were.

The giggles keep coming, and make everyone so happy. Your daycare provider said that they have never had such a happy baby before. You are awesome!

Lastly, you're very chatty, and we wouldn't be surprised if you started to talk early. You already say all sorts of things, and you give air kisses. You've said: mama, dada, baba, lalalala, ba, etc...

Oh, and you can lead a Yoga class if you wanted to. You have all of the moves down!