Thursday, August 6, 2009

40 Weeks

Today is August 6th, and you are due to come into the world today. However, we think you’re not ready yet, but we still have a few hours to go until August 6th is over. We tried to do some things that people say help induce labor. We ate spicy food and walked a lot, but nothing yet. Tomorrow I’ll go for a pedicure that is said helps induce labor as well. I’ll certainly enjoy that one!

We can’t believe that within a few days we are going to meet you. The Dr. says your about 7 pounds now, and your heart is moving at the perfect rate which is a very healthy sign. You have certainly been kicking much harder. I think I can feel you stretching in my belly, and there is probably not much room for you anymore. Wait until you come in the real world, and see how much space you have!

We love you so much and can’t wait to see your little hands and feet, and cuddle with you all the time. Get your rest now, because we need our strength for labor and delivery!

Love you!

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